16. května 2018

#SnězTuŽábu: Rozhovor - Joe Cave [en]

Sněz tu žábu, 4. ročník festivalu francouzského divadla

ROZHOVOR [english only]

Už jste četli náš LE TISK? Sledujete naše paralelní zpravodajství zde na blogu? Všimli jste si útržků v Divadelních novinách? Na závěr přinášíme mini-rozhovor s umělcem Joe Cavem, který se staral o veškerý hudební doprovod festivalu. Odpovědi byly ponechány v anglickém jazyce.


Oleksandra Sydorenko
/cyklus Kritického semináře/

Joe Cave je umělec, který se zabývá zvukem a hudbou. Také má blízko k divadlu a od roku 2012 je členem kolektivu GONGLE, který se zabývá jiným formováním divadla, snaží se bourat hranice, budovat nový dialog a vytvářet nové hry a prostory. Na festival přijel Joe se zvukovou instalací MIXTAPE, která vás může na první pohled/poslech uvést do rozpaků. Co se děje? Co mám dělat? A na co přesně se mám zaměřit? Ale když se zeptáte Joa, s ochotou vás dovede ke křeslu, kde si můžete vzít sluchátka, a sám vám vysvětlí, o co se vlastně jedná. Položila jsem mu několik otázek, které se týkaly práce (nakonec nerealizované) s Alešem Čermákem (pražský mladý umělec, který se věnuje instalacím a performance); jak se o našem českém umělci dozvěděl, jak se dívá na jeho tvorbu, co je to MIXTAPE a jak se myšlenka na tuto instalaci zrodila. A tady je jeho odpověď...

Due to certain complications with production we were unable to realise the sculptural element of the installation proposed by Aleš. Nevertheless the discussions I had with Aleš whilst I was working on the piece were very valuable to me and I was extremely happy to be able to meet and talk with him. I discovered Aleš’ work online a couple of years ago, in a dark corner of the internet, and when the festival said they would put me in touch with a Czech artist I immediately thought of him. I am a very amateur reader of philosophy but whenever I do grasp a concept I have these flashes that remind me very much of Aleš’ work: aphorisms and diagrams that crystallise with images to form strange, occult multi-dimensional objects. His theatrical works I have only been able to see in the form of video extracts so here I am talking mostly about his writing and production online. I wanted to work with him because this seems to me to at the opposite end of some spectrum from where I work; that is to say I often begin with very «musical» music and concrete sounds that have very strong cultural signifiers and can be very context specific; and the work is trying to make these more abstract images and diagrams appear.

The piece I had in mind in the beginning was to do with these kinds of cultural caverns we dig for ourselves with the help of a variety of personalised technologies that end up entirely enveloping us. Following our interests and desires over the internet we create for ourselves these niches that mean grand scale shared experience between countries, communities and even friends become rarer. On the other hand a mixtape is the imprint of a cultural genealogy. Curated by the individual, they encode a moment in time.

In opposition to mass forms of cultural dissemination they transmit from person to person. MIXTAPE is a personal OedIpod bubble in the middle of the bar at Alta Studio. The mix is triggered by data from the listener’s head set. What begins as control—the listener’s head movements guiding the mix—turns into a form of submission as the traces of previous listeners movements also influence the music. As the listener sinks deeper in to this space they leave their own mark on the mix, opening the personal outwards. All the while this soundscape is leaked into the room next door - opening it up from within.

[původní verze odpovědí; neredigováno]

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